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What is a 6d Certificate for Condo Owners?: A Full Breakdown

For condo owners wondering, “What is a 6d certificate?” we have the answers, all in one convenient article. Read ahead to let us break down this complex legal process for you.

Main Takeaways

  • A 6d certificate declares the status of condo owners’ owed unit fees. Meaning, it states whether you have paid those fees off. Legally, MA condo trustees must sign it. Then, the certificates can enable owners to close property sales or refinancing processes.
  • A “clean” certificate indicates that condo owners have no outstanding fees that let trustees hold a lien over the property. “Dirty” ones mean the opposite.

Architectural details of modern condo building.Table of Contents

What Is a 6d Certificate?

A 6d certificate declares the status of condo owners’ owed unit fees. Meaning, it states whether you have paid those fees off. Legally, MA condo trustees, whether it’s a Boston property management company or condo association, must sign it. Then, the certificates can enable owners to close property sales or refinancing processes.

“Clean” vs. “Dirty” Certifications

Importantly, there are two types of 6d certificates— “clean” ones and “dirty” ones.

If the unit owners have a clean 6d certificate, they have no outstanding fees. As such, the condo association or property manager can’t place a lien on the property.

However, a dirty certificate indicates the opposite—that the condo owner has not paid their dues. These dues could encompass legal fees (like if a tenant sues you), fines, condo fees, special assessments, interest, and other costs.

If they have a dirty certificate, it could allow the condo association or property manager to repossess the property. Needless to say, this could put an owner’s plans to earn a good rental ROI to a grinding halt.

A young real estate agent explains the details of the condo purchase contract to the client.When Do People Need a 6d Statement?

Condominium associations or property managers must sign a 6d Certificate in certain situations:

Selling Your Unit: A Section 6d certificate can help show buyers whether they’re ready to buy a condo. It shows whether a condo owner’s property has unpaid fees. It states that the current owner is responsible for these fees. This way, the new owner will have a clean title and won’t have to pay for them. If the current owners have any payments left, they must pay them before selling the unit.

Lawsuits: Owners dealing with a lawsuit with their condo association can benefit from having a recorded clean certificate. With this, they can prove that they have a clean slate on their end, financially.

Refinancing: Upon mortgage closing, lenders and their lawyers will want to see the owner’s certificate. It confirms the association’s, and the property’s, good financial standing. As such, if owners don’t provide a clean certificate, they likely won’t go forward with their loan.

How is The Certificate Processed?

Getting a 6d Certificate comes with certain formalities.

First, the condo owner or their representative will request that the property manager or condo association submit it to their lawyer.

As two side notes, the condo’s establishing documents specify how many people must sign it. Also, if owners want their representatives to request this information, they must gain the owner’s written permission to do so on their behalf.

Next, the able parties must sign it within 10 days after the property owner requests it. A notary must be present during the signing. Afterward, the signing must be recorded in the MA Registry of Deeds.

If the signing parties are doing so because of an impending sale, the seller will present the clean certificate and other documents to the buyer. Then, the sales can move forward.

Massachusetts 6d Certificate FAQs

For good measure, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about 6d Certificates in Boston.

How Do I Get a 6d Certificate in Boston?

You can get a 6d Certificate in Boston by requesting one from your property manager or condo association. This is one of a property manager’s biggest duties.

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Who Do I Send My Certification to?

You should present a physical, notarized 6d Certificate to your lender or lawyer. This way, they can record it in the registry of deeds.

How Long Will It Take to Receive My Certificate?

In general, it will take up to 10 days to receive your 6d Certificate. However, if you have your finances in order, you can get it faster.

Modern living room with teal accents and city view.How Much Does It Cost to Request a Certification?

Property managers and condo associations commonly charge condo owners somewhere from $50 to $200 for 6d certifications. If you ask them to rush the certification delivery, you could pay extra fees. In addition, the cost can vary based on the purpose of the certification (i.e., refinancing vs. selling).

Does My 6d Certificate Need to be Notarized?

Yes, it needs to be notarized as proof that all required trustees or property managers have signed it. Then, it can be accepted by the Registry of Deeds.

Can My Condo Association Deny Me My Certification?

No, a condo association cannot deny a condo owner their 6d certificates. Legally, you have the right to get one.

If your condo association attempts to block you from receiving yours, you can take legal action. To start with, your lawyer can send a firmly worded letter to your condo association ordering one. Should this not work, you can file a lawsuit.

How Long in Advance Do I Have to Pay My Outstanding Fees to Get a Clean Statement?

You should pay your fees at least 5 days before the certificate is ready. However, ideally, it’s a good idea to pay any outstanding dues as far in advance as possible to make sure they count.

What Do I Do if I Have a Dirty Certification?

If you receive a dirty certificate, you must pay all outstanding fees to “clean” it. Only once you scrub all the fees off your record can you go forward with your sale or refinancing.

Where to Find an Example 6d Certificate Massachusetts PDF

To get an idea of what signing a 6d Certificate would look like, we’ve compiled some of the best 6d Certificate Massachusetts PDF templates available online. Take a look:

Let Bay Management Group in Boston Help You Today

For condo owners, it’s crucial to understand what a 6d certification is. If you can’t get all your ducks in a row for the certificate checkup, you can’t move forward in your business. You can’t go ahead in selling or refinancing your property, period.

This is where Bay Property Management Group steps in. We focus on making this process easier, providing knowledgeable advice to make sure your finances meet all requirements set by the state government. Our rental management services enable landlords to focus on other important aspects of their business.

If you’re in Boston, are facing challenges with 6d certification matters, or want support in handling other delicate rental management processes, BMG can assist you. Contact us today to explore how our tailored services can streamline your property management duties.

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